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Common Pet Microchipping Myths

Common Pet Microchipping Myths

We understand many pet owners are unsure how microchipping works, and because of this, many myths are floating around. Our team is determined to educate all pet owners on how important these devices are and how they can potentially save the life of your pet one day....

Does My Pet Need Pet Insurance?

Does My Pet Need Pet Insurance?

Pet treatment can come with a hefty price tag, especially when your pet has a life-threatening illness. We understand the difficult dilemma of having to choose between putting food on your table and your pet's necessary care. Here's a couple of reasons how a pet...

4 Pet Toxins Found Around the Home

4 Pet Toxins Found Around the Home

Chances are, you have some common pet toxins around your home. March is Pet Poison Prevention Month, and so our team at Aspen Animal Wellness wants to share four household hazards you should know about. Strings. We don't like when strings are attached, but your pet...

Persistent Deciduous Teeth Problems in Pets

Persistent Deciduous Teeth Problems in Pets

Persistent deciduous teeth, or baby teeth that refuse to fall out, can lead to many difficulties with your pet’s permanent dentition and also can harm their oral health. This dental issue most frequently occurs in small-breed and flat-faced dogs and rarely in cats. In...

Are Hairballs Normal for Cats?

Are Hairballs Normal for Cats?

Part of cat ownership involves coming across furry, slimy tubes, otherwise known as hairballs. Depending on your cat’s hair coat length, you may encounter hairballs with such regular frequency that you become worried about your feline friend’s health. Our team at...

Buckle Up! Car Travel Safety Tips for Pets

Buckle Up! Car Travel Safety Tips for Pets

When taking a vacation or a road trip, you may want to include your pet in the fun and excitement. But, before heading out on your trip, ensure you prepare your pet for travel with the following tips from our team here at Aspen Animal Wellness. #1: Keep your pet safe...

What Happens During My Pet’s Spay?

What Happens During My Pet’s Spay?

Although you know you should spay your female pet to prevent a host of medical and behavior issues, as well as unwanted puppies, you may not know what exactly happens during a spay surgery. Since World Spay Day—February 23—is approaching, let’s explain the procedure,...

Cold Weather Safety for Cats and Dogs

Cold Weather Safety for Cats and Dogs

Cold Weather Safety for Cats and Dogs   Winter is coming! Despite their fur coat, pets are as susceptible to cold and snow as people, and can quickly succumb to frostbite, hypothermia, and other winter-related conditions. So, follow these three tips to help...

Warning Signs of Cancer in Pets

Warning Signs of Cancer in Pets

10 Warning Signs of Cancer in Pets   November is Pet Cancer Awareness Month! With pets living longer than ever, there’s a higher risk of cancer development in old age. But, by knowing the cancer warning signs, you can quickly detect abnormalities and schedule a...

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