AAHA Accreditation

AAHA Accreditation
How do we stand out from the rest, when most veterinary hospital missions and visions are essentially the same? Routinely hospitals strive for excellence in everything they do, exceptional client service, exceptional veterinary and ancillary care, maintaining this excellence through continuing education and keeping abreast of technological advances. It is not uncommon to see hospitals state they look to “set the standards in veterinary and pet care.”
What then is the difference between hospitals? What do these words really mean? Not only does the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) already clearly define what these 900 Standards are in Veterinary and Pet Care, but also they regulate and hold their accredited hospitals accountable to meet and exceed these standards.
The AAHA standards are the metric to which we constantly measure the worth of our hospital. We voluntarily choose to be AAHA accredited because it is the model by which we want to be recognized, defining our brand and our character. We want your pets’ caregivers to be held to the highest possible standards in veterinary care. Pets do not choose their veterinary hospital, pet parents do. AAHA is their voice. Accreditation indicates that we are serious, unwavering, and a dedicated part of a team larger than ourselves. A team of 15% of veterinary hospitals throughout the United States and Canada that hope to someday raise the bar for all veterinary practices by making AAHA Standards a state and province-wide requirement. Our goal is for pet parents to demand nothing less from their pets’ healthcare providers because we expect nothing less from ourselves and for our patients and their families. Accreditation is not about standing out; it is about standing up for the care and safety of pets as well as upholding our own moral and ethical character in our community.
We visually show accreditation pride by placing our AAHA Accredited logo on our website, invoices, brochures, business cards, and the two plaques hanging in our waiting room.
In our practice, team members live the AAHA model and impart the AAHA message. The points we want our team to impart to you:
- We adhere to over 900 safety, cleanliness, and procedural standards.
- We are evaluated every 3 years but perform to this level every day.
- Our own state inspects veterinary hospitals once yearly and only evaluates 4 standards, not 900.
- As an accredited practice voluntarily adhering to the highest safety standards, we are required and proud to offer more than standard levels of service.
- To sacrifice our standards would mean sacrificing the health of the pets in our community and risking the loss of the trust that our clientele have in our team.